Friday, October 17, 2008

Capitalism at bay

Oct 16th 2008 From      The Economist print edition

ONE hundred and sixty five years ago, a Scottish businessman set out his plans for a newspaper. James Wilson’s starting point was “a melancholy reflection”: “while wealth and capital have been rapidly increasing” and science and art “working the most surprising miracles”, all classes of people were marked “by characters of uncertainty and insecurity”. Wilson’s solution was freedom. He committed his venture to the struggle not just against the protectionist corn laws but against attempts to raise up “barriers to intercourse, jealousies, animosities and heartburnings between individuals and classes in this country, and again between this country and all others”. Ever since, The Economist has been on the side of economic liberty.

Now economic liberty is under attack and capitalism, the system which embodies it, is at bay. This week Britain, the birthplace of modern privatisation, nationalised much of its banking industry; meanwhile, amid talk of the end of the Thatcher-Reagan era, the American government has promised to put $250 billion into its banks. Other governments are re-regulating their financial systems. Asians point out that the West appears to be moving towards their more dirigiste model: “The teachers have some problems,” a Chinese leader recently said. Interventionists are in full cry: “Self-regulation is finished,” claims France’s Nicolas Sarkozy. “Laissez-faire is finished.” Not all criticisms are that unsubtle (the more pointed ones focus on increasing the state’s role only in finance), but all the signs are pointing in the same direction: a larger role for the state, and a smaller and more constrained private sector.

This newspaper hopes profoundly that this will not happen. Over the past century and a half capitalism has proved its worth for billions of people. The parts of the world where it has flourished have prospered; the parts where it has shrivelled have suffered. Capitalism has always engendered crises, and always will. The world should use the latest one, devastating though it is, to learn how to manage it better.

Extreme measures in the defence of liberty

In the short term defending capitalism means, paradoxically, state intervention. There is a justifiable sense of outrage among voters and business people (and indeed economic liberals) that $2.5 trillion of taxpayers' money now has to be spent on a highly rewarded industry. But the global bail-out is pragmatic, not ideological. When François Mitterrand nationalised France’s banks in 1981 he did so because he thought the state would run them better. This time governments are buying banks (or shares in them) because they believe, rightly, that public capital is needed to keep credit flowing.

Intervening to prevent banking crises from hurting the real economy has a strong pedigree. Wilson’s son-in-law, Walter Bagehot, recommended that the Bank of England lend generously (but at a penalty rate) to illiquid banks (but not to insolvent ones). In modern times governments of every political stripe have had to step in. Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher oversaw the rescues of Continental Illinois and Johnson Matthey. In the 1990s the Finns and Swedes nationalised banks—and privatised them again later. This rescue is on a different scale. Yet the justification is the same: the costs of not intervening look larger. If confidence and credit continue to dry up, a near-certain recession will become a depression, a calamity for everybody.

Even if it staves off disaster, the bail-out will cause huge problems. It creates moral hazard: such a visible safety net encourages risky behaviour. It may also politicise lending.

Governments will need to minimise these risks. They should avoid rewarding the bosses and shareholders of the rescued banks. They must not steer loans to politically important sectors. And they should run the banks on a commercial basis with the explicit aim of getting out of the banking business as quickly as possible (and at a profit). From the taxpayer’s point of view, it might make sense to limit dividend payments to other shareholders until the government’s preference shares have been paid off. But governments need to avoid populist gestures. Banning bonuses, for instance, would drive good people out of companies that badly need them.

The politicians all claim they understand this. Of course, they have no intention of revisiting Mitterrand’s mistakes, of trying to run the banks themselves, or of taking stakes elsewhere. Yet already voices (including Lady Thatcher’s Tory heirs) are pushing to limit executive pay. It will be a brave president who goes to Detroit and explains why the 45,000 well-paid folk at Morgan Stanley should get $10 billion of taxpayers' money, but the 266,000 people at General Motors should not. Brave too would be any politician who proposed deregulation as a solution to a public-sector problem.

Smoot-Hawley in the rear mirror

Given this, it is inevitable that the line between governments and markets will in the short term move towards the former. The public sector and its debt will take up a bigger portion of the economy in many countries. But in the longer term a lot depends on how blame for this catastrophe is allocated. This is where an important intellectual battle could and should be won. Capitalism’s defenders need to deal with two sorts of criticism. One has much more substance than the other.

The weaker, populist argument is that Anglo-Saxon capitalism has failed. Critics claim that the “Washington consensus” of deregulation and privatisation, preached condescendingly by America and Britain to benighted governments around the world, has actually brought the world economy to the brink of disaster. If this notion continues to gain ground, politicians from Beijing to Berlin will feel justified in resisting moves to free up the movement of goods and services within and between their economies. Arguments for market solutions in, for instance, health and education will be made with less conviction, and dismissed with a reference to Wall Street’s fate.

In fact, far from failing, the overall lowering of “barriers to intercourse” over the past 25 years has delivered wealth and freedom on a dramatic scale. Hundreds of millions of people have been dragged out of absolute poverty. Even allowing for the credit crunch, this decade may well see the fastest growth in global income per person in history. The free movement of non-financial goods and services should not be dragged into the argument—as they were, to disastrous effect, in the 1930s.

A second group of critics focuses on deregulation in finance, rather than the economy as a whole. This case has much more merit. Finance needs regulation. It has always been prone to panics, crashes and bubbles (in Victorian times this newspaper was moaning about railway stocks, not house prices). Because the rest of the economy cannot work without it, governments have always been heavily involved.

Without doubt, modern finance has been found seriously wanting. Some banks seemed to assume that markets would be constantly liquid. Risky behaviour garnered huge rewards; caution was punished. Even the best bankers took crazy risks. For instance, by the end of last year Goldman Sachs, by no means the most daring, had $1 trillion of assets teetering atop $43 billion of equity. Lack of regulation encouraged this gambling (see article). Financial innovation in derivatives soared ahead of the rule-setters. Somehow the world ended up with $62 trillion-worth of credit-default swaps (CDSs), none of them traded on exchanges. Not even the most liberal libertarian could imagine that was sensible.

Yet the failures of modern finance cannot be blamed on deregulation alone. After all, the American mortgage market is one of the most regulated parts of finance anywhere: dominated by two government sponsored agencies, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and guided by congressional schemes to increase home-ownership. The macro economic condition that set up the crisis stemmed in part from policy choices: the Federal Reserve ignored the housing bubble and kept short-term interest rates too low for too long. The emerging world’s determination to accumulate reserves, especially China’s decision to hold down its exchange rate, sent a wash of capital into America. There was something of a perfect storm in which policy mistakes combined with Wall Street’s excesses.

Heavy regulation would not inoculate the world against future crises. Two of the worst in recent times, in Japan and South Korea, occurred in highly rule-bound systems. What’s needed is not more government but better government. In some areas, that means more rules. Capital requirements need to be revamped so that banks accumulate more reserves during the good times. More often it simply means different rules: central banks need to take asset prices more into account in their decisions. But there are plenty of examples where regulation could be counter-productive: a permanent ban on short-selling, for instance, would make markets more volatile.

Indeed, history suggests that a prejudice against more rules is a good idea. Too often they have unintended consequences, helping to create the next disaster. And capitalism, eventually, corrects itself. After a crisis investors (and for that matter regulators) seldom make exactly the same mistake twice. There are, for instance, already plans for clearing houses for CDSs.

Turning back the incoming tide

Sadly another lesson of history is that in politics economic reason does not always prevail—especially when the best-case scenario for most countries is a short recession. “Barriers to intercourse, jealousies, animosities and heartburnings” loom.

But it need not be so. If the bail-outs are well handled, taxpayers could end up profiting from their reluctant investment in the banks. If regulators learn from this crisis, they could manage finance better in the future. If the worst is avoided, the healthy popular hostility to a strong state that normally pervades democracies should reassert itself. Capitalism is at bay, but those who believe in it must fight for it. For all its flaws, it is the best economic system man has invented yet.

Monday, September 29, 2008


If time gave opportunity......

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Never forget you, Paul Newman

Paul Newman died at the aged 83.
 Last year he told "you start to lose your memory, you start to lose your confidence, you start to lose your invention. So I think that's pretty much a closed book for me."
He played in about 60 movies during his life such as 
The Silver Chalice, 1955
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, 1958
The Hustler, 1961
Hud, 1963
Cool Hand Luke, 1967 (pictured)
Rachel Rachel (director), 1968
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, 1969
The Sting, 1973
The Towering Inferno, 1974
Absence of Malice, 1981
The Verdict, 1982
The Color of Money, 1986
Nobody's Fool, 1994
Road to Perdition, 2002
Cars (voice), 2006

Round 1 in debates between Obama & McCain

Watch this debate in :

Friday, September 26, 2008

The un-iPhone

Sep 25th 2008 | SAN FRANCISCO From The Economist print edition

The un-iPhone

What Apple did for smartphones, Google may do for all the rest

NOT since the launch of Apple’s iPhone last year has the unveiling of a handset caused such a stir. On September 23rd T-Mobile, a mobile operator owned by Germany’s Deutsche Telekom, presented its new phone, the G1, which is made by HTC, a Taiwanese manufacturer. The reason for the buzz is that the device is the first to be based on software called Android, made by Google, the largest internet company.

The phone naturally invites comparisons to the iPhone, still the most elegant “smartphone” on the market today. But that is to focus on the wrong thing. It is not the features or design that matter, since the two phones aim at different users. Rather, it is what each phone is likely to do for the industry as a whole. The iPhone, for its part, has demonstrated that consumers do and will use mobile phones to search, browse and otherwise use the internet. Vendors of other smartphones, such as RIM, the maker of the BlackBerry, are now racing to match the iPhone in usability. As they do so, mobile-internet usage is rising steeply.

Yet fancy smartphones account for less than 15% of the handset market, says Kevin Burden at ABI Research, a consultancy. Most consumers, using simpler phones that the industry confusingly calls “feature phones”, are not going online while on the move. These are the people that Google is targeting.

Android-based phones will be cheaper than existing smartphones. But the more fundamental difference hearkens back to the mid-1980s, when the PC era was dawning and two rival operating systems—from Apple and Microsoft—competed to become the dominant platform for which software companies would write programs. Something similar is now happening with phones, all of which will become “smart”.

Most mobile operators and handset-makers are searching for a platform for their mass-market phones of the future. Many have warmed to Linux, a free, open-source operating system which can be customised. Some are tweaking Linux to make their own flavours. Google’s Android is also a variant of Linux.

Google hopes that other operators and handset-makers—South Korea’s Samsung and LG appear to be next—will adopt Android to save themselves the expense of developing their own software. It also hopes that programmers will write fun software for Android, making it as ubiquitous as Microsoft Windows became in the PC era (but has failed to become on phones). Its aim is not to challenge Apple or Microsoft. Instead Google, which makes money from online advertising, will be happy as long as nobody locks up the market and people do ever more Google searches, on all their devices.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

F**king crazy president

  IRANIAN president interview...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Harvard Business School published new book that name is groundswell. this book is about social technology. In cover page of it you can read " Corporate executives are struggling with a new trend: people using online social technologies (blogs, social networking sites, YouTube, podcasts) to discuss products and companies, write their own news, and find their own deals. This groundswell is global, it's unstoppable, it affects every industry--and it's utterly foreign to the powerful companies running things now. When consumers you've never met are rating your company's products in public forums with which you have no experience or influence, your company is vulnerable. In Groundswell, Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff of Forrester, Inc. explain how to turn this threat into an opportunity. Using tools and data straight from Forrester, you'll learn how to: Evaluate new social technologies as they emerge; Determine how different groups of consumers are participating in social technology arenas; Apply a four-step process for formulating your future strategy; and Build social technologies into your business--including monitoring your brand value, talking with the groundswell through marketing and PR campaigns, and energizing your best customers to recruit their peers.  Timely and insightful, this book is required reading for executives seeking to protect and strengthen their company's public image.

Google phone comes

The first phone that harnesses Google Inc.'s ambition to make the Internet easy to use on the go was revealed Tuesday, and it looks a lot like an iPhone.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

20 Best Countries for Startup

( -- Singapore, New Zealand and the United States have the world's friendliest business climates for small companies, according to a World Bank report released this week.

For the fourth year in a row, those three countries occupied the top spots in the annual "Doing Business" report card created by the World Bank and its private-sector lending arm, the International Finance Corp. The 2009 edition ranks 181 countries on their small-business regulatory environments.

Compiled with the help of 6,700 business experts and government officials around the world, "Doing Business 2009" analyzes how difficult it is to comply with 10 different sets of business regulations that affect company lifecycles, from startup to closure. The World Bank's research team examined the number of procedures required to start a business and the ease and cost of transactions such as obtaining construction permits, hiring workers, getting credit, paying taxes, enforcing contracts and declaring bankruptcy. Each category is given equal weight to create an overall "ease of doing business" index and ranking.

"It has a very specific focus on the regulatory environment," said Penelope Brook, the World Bank Group's director of indicators and analysis.

Other factors that affect regional businesses, such as domestic infrastructure and security, are not considered - which explains how frequently violent Georgia landed in the top 20.

While this year's top-10 list remained almost unchanged from last year's (Australia moved up to No. 9, knocking Norway down one spot), a wave of business-friendly reforms is pushing a new crop of countries up the ranking. The "Doing Business" team identified 239 pro-business reforms in 113 economies between June 2007 and June 2008, the highest number recorded since the project began six years ago.

Heading this year's list of most-active reformers was the Middle East's Azerbaijan, which moved up 64 spots in the overall ranking to 33rd place, thanks to reforms made in seven of the 10 measured sectors. Most notably, Azerbaijan slashed the time required to start a business from 122 to 16 days, reformed its civil code and created an online tax-filing system.

Singapore retained its ranking as the world's easiest location in which to do business, thanks to its low import and export costs, strong legal protections for investors, and employer-friendly labor regulations. Incorporating a new business takes only four days - fast by most standards, but sluggish by New Zealand's. There, entrepreneurs can register a new venture in just 24 hours.

The U.S. came in at No. 3 in the overall "Doing Business" ranking. Its advantages include labor laws that are among the least rigid in the world and streamlined bureaucracy for getting a new venture off the ground.

Also at the top of the list were Hong Kong, Denmark, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Canada.

While the trend toward pro-business reforms is a global one, the catalysts for improvement vary by region. Some governments in Eastern Europe have been motivated by regulatory requirements for joining the European Union, while officials in Latin America are striving to make their economies more competitive within regional trading blocs, according to the World Banks' Brook.

"There's a desire to give local entrepreneurs the chance to be part of the local growth story," Brook said. "Being able to build a business should depend on having drive, skills and good ideas more than who you know and your connections."


2-New Zealand

3-United State

4- Hong Kong












16-Soudi Arabia





Monday, September 15, 2008


2Quicken Loans68%4,920
3Wegmans Food Markets4%35,302
4Edward Jones5%31,451
6Cisco Systems17%32,160
9Goldman Sachs10%13,764
10Methodist Hospital System11%10,481
11Boston Consulting Group8%1,543
12Nugget Markets20%1,322
13Umpqua Bank25%1,788
14Network Appliance25%4,481
15W. L. Gore & Associates6%5,211
16Whole Foods Market11%41,385
17David Weekley Homes-11%1,450
19Arnold & Porter-3%1,272
20Container Store5%3,019
21Principal Financial Group3%13,438
22American Century Investments-5%1,694
23JM Family Enterprises4%4,609
24American Fidelity Assurance1%1,376
25Shared Technologies28%1,401
26Stew Leonard's13%2,282
27S.C. Johnson & Son0%3,419
29SAS Institute-1%5,153
Source : CNN Money 
What do you know about Telenor company?

Lehman collapse hits Asian shares

BBC News.

Markets in Japan and South Korea fell by nearly 5% in early trading having been shut on Monday for a bank holiday.

The figures reflected earlier falls in Europe and the US, which on Monday had its worst day's trading since 9/11.

The fourth-largest US investment bank, Lehman filed for bankruptcy protection on Monday, becoming the latest victim of the global credit crunch.

Japan's benchmark Nikkei-225 index dropped by 4.7% in the first half hour of trading on Tuesday, while South Korean shares shed more than 5% in value in just 20 minutes.

Markets in Shanghai, Taipei and Singapore were also sharply down.

The collapse of Lehman, which had incurred billions of dollars of losses from the failing US mortgage market, threatened to deal a further blow to other financial institutions, as they unwind deals with the former investment giant.